yesterday was Sport's Day....:)
haish...but the red house lose again...:(
adoii...masuk beberapa event pun x mng gak...
200 m-5th place
4X100 m-4th place
long jump-4th place
tp cuma telematch je yg dapat medal(for me la...T.T)
red house oso won the 'tug of war'...yay!!hahaxD...
tp lepas lari smalam sakit kaki....
mula2 cramp kat bahagian peha then my tumit sakit oso...
dunno la....hav to rehat for one day....hehex...
okie la...gtg...c yea...:)
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
havin a good day!!
semalam hari best si0t...
klas kami rmai yg x dtg....
so x blajar ar....
n that time i shared my problems with the other three Hopians in my class....
skarang ni yg tahu problem aku cuma:
-Suh Yee
-Kar Lock
-Shuan Wen
-Wei Kang
(all the names i've arranged according to the one who i shared first)
haish...susah nak cari kawan mcm di0rang....
alwayz listened to their friend's problem...
thx semua....korang memang best ar...XD
smalam kami chit-chat dgn Mr.Yu(sharky yu/fishy yu)
dia x ajar smalam sbb rmai org xde dlm klas...
so...dia pun ckp la yg suma org akan fail la...parent's day kita suma mati la...macam2 la...hahaxD
tp yg best part msa kite suma lakonkan gaya dia n tunjuk kat dia...
yg bile dia masuk klas dia mesti d0k atas meja n tggu org suma duduk...hahaxD...
dia pun enjoy gak...gelak smpai sakit pipi....hahaxD
hahax...bab kata eugene...
"I admire u,Mr.Yu' cruel u are...u're always be everyone's(including me)idol...XD
yesterday also while waiting for the bus...our bus air-cond got while waiting for the bus to move...we all waited outside...then she came to me n said 'wah,panas ar'...
hahaxD....i said to her 'aiya...go sit on the roof la'hahaxD...
she's very funny la...since last year...she always made me laugh...
i mean...she did not make any jokes le...hahaxD....
aiyo....gtg tusyen n0w...bye2...XD
klas kami rmai yg x dtg....
so x blajar ar....
n that time i shared my problems with the other three Hopians in my class....
skarang ni yg tahu problem aku cuma:
-Suh Yee
-Kar Lock
-Shuan Wen
-Wei Kang
(all the names i've arranged according to the one who i shared first)
haish...susah nak cari kawan mcm di0rang....
alwayz listened to their friend's problem...
thx semua....korang memang best ar...XD
smalam kami chit-chat dgn Mr.Yu(sharky yu/fishy yu)
dia x ajar smalam sbb rmai org xde dlm klas...
so...dia pun ckp la yg suma org akan fail la...parent's day kita suma mati la...macam2 la...hahaxD
tp yg best part msa kite suma lakonkan gaya dia n tunjuk kat dia...
yg bile dia masuk klas dia mesti d0k atas meja n tggu org suma duduk...hahaxD...
dia pun enjoy gak...gelak smpai sakit pipi....hahaxD
hahax...bab kata eugene...
"I admire u,Mr.Yu' cruel u are...u're always be everyone's(including me)idol...XD
yesterday also while waiting for the bus...our bus air-cond got while waiting for the bus to move...we all waited outside...then she came to me n said 'wah,panas ar'...
hahaxD....i said to her 'aiya...go sit on the roof la'hahaxD...
she's very funny la...since last year...she always made me laugh...
i mean...she did not make any jokes le...hahaxD....
aiyo....gtg tusyen n0w...bye2...XD
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Thursday, May 21, 2009
teacher's day performance videos(Hardstyle Republic)
here's the videos ppl...enjoy...
Hardstyle Republic...(full)
(i'm the one with the black hoodie/sweater)
(sorry for the low audio quality...just increase ur pc or laptop volume la...hehex...anywayz,enjoy..)
Hardstyle Republic(cut)
Hardstyle Republic...(full)
(i'm the one with the black hoodie/sweater)
(sorry for the low audio quality...just increase ur pc or laptop volume la...hehex...anywayz,enjoy..)
Hardstyle Republic(cut)
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Happy Teacher's Day
last friday was teacher's day....
s0 i g0t do two performance...
shuffle n drama...
fuhh...part shuffle tu rmai seh yg s0rak kitaorang...
x sgka bai....hahaxD...
yg drama lak byk scene2 lawak s0 rmai yg gelak ar....hehex...
msa tu kite suma smpat wish cikgu suma 'happy teacher's day'...
mr.darminder lak suruh wish dia bile MU jadi champion BPL...
yeah!!!MU oredi champion...hahaxD....
these some of the photos...enjoy...i'll upload the videos soon keyh...:)
Hardstyle Republic

mr.yu,me,eugene n ms olive

mr.ali rockin' the house...

drama performance

sr.5 hope

the videos will be uploaded soon keyh...:)
c yea ppl...
s0 i g0t do two performance...
shuffle n drama...
fuhh...part shuffle tu rmai seh yg s0rak kitaorang...
x sgka bai....hahaxD...
yg drama lak byk scene2 lawak s0 rmai yg gelak ar....hehex...
msa tu kite suma smpat wish cikgu suma 'happy teacher's day'...
mr.darminder lak suruh wish dia bile MU jadi champion BPL...
yeah!!!MU oredi champion...hahaxD....
these some of the photos...enjoy...i'll upload the videos soon keyh...:)
Hardstyle Republic
mr.yu,me,eugene n ms olive
mr.ali rockin' the house...
drama performance
sr.5 hope
the videos will be uploaded soon keyh...:)
c yea ppl...
Thursday, May 14, 2009
tomorrow's the big day....
tomorrow's the day that i'll be performing for teacher's day...
group shuffle ngan group class aku...
tahun ni tahun last kite le...
group shuffle ngan group class aku...
tahun ni tahun last kite le...
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Happy Mother's Day...:)
today is the mother's day...
n nak ucapkan 'Selamat Hari Ibu' kepada semua ibu-ibu kat dunia nih...XD
most mum...
semoga mama dipanjangkan umur dan dimurahkan rezeki pada masa hadapan...
luv u mum...hahaxD.....
n for all senior 5 hope...the video i uploaded oredi in our blog...go check it out yea...hahaxD...
or u can check on youtube as's the link...
nice memories ppl....
happy birthday to vince n cikgu karim as well...:)
n nak ucapkan 'Selamat Hari Ibu' kepada semua ibu-ibu kat dunia nih...XD
most mum...
semoga mama dipanjangkan umur dan dimurahkan rezeki pada masa hadapan...
luv u mum...hahaxD.....
n for all senior 5 hope...the video i uploaded oredi in our blog...go check it out yea...hahaxD...
or u can check on youtube as's the link...
nice memories ppl....
happy birthday to vince n cikgu karim as well...:)
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
hahax...letih ng0k....XD
blk je sk0la...ade h0mew0rk...=_=
hahax...xpe least xde tusyen mlm ni...XD
bsk da audition da...huhux...
tak0t bsk step x smpat habiskan...huhux...
haish...trip gi k0rea kna cancel la...
smuanya sbb SWINE FLU!!!
entah la di0rang da tukar nma apa entah...
trip tu mgkn postpone pada 23-30 july...
huh!jgn harap aku nk gi...
time sk0la lak tu...baik blajar kan...hahaxD....
k la...ade h0mework nak buat...c yea ppl...
p/s-aku bengang je ngan laki tu...sja je buat myspace sbb nak chatting ngan dia...sial la k0...jantan gedik cm itik...hahaxD....
blk je sk0la...ade h0mew0rk...=_=
hahax...xpe least xde tusyen mlm ni...XD
bsk da audition da...huhux...
tak0t bsk step x smpat habiskan...huhux...
haish...trip gi k0rea kna cancel la...
smuanya sbb SWINE FLU!!!
entah la di0rang da tukar nma apa entah...
trip tu mgkn postpone pada 23-30 july...
huh!jgn harap aku nk gi...
time sk0la lak tu...baik blajar kan...hahaxD....
k la...ade h0mework nak buat...c yea ppl...
p/s-aku bengang je ngan laki tu...sja je buat myspace sbb nak chatting ngan dia...sial la k0...jantan gedik cm itik...hahaxD....
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